Yoga For Fertility: 8 Powerful Asanas to Increase Female Fertility - conceiveindiaivf

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Yoga for fertility is a variation of the traditional yoga asana. It consists of a series of positions that lowers stress and increases the chances of fertility in women.

One of the most frequent issues caused by stress and unstable lifestyle is infertility. Many couples continue to lament their inability to conceive despite ongoing attempts and medical intervention. If this seems to be an issue for you as well, it’s definitely time to start practising yoga for health purposes.

There’s no doubt that yoga helps alleviate tension and assist in lowering stress and anxiety, both of which are frequently associated with infertility. Stress causes your body to create large amounts of cortisol, a substance that can harm the health of your reproductive organs. Poses with a little impact emphasizing breathing and relaxation can lower cortisol levels and stabilize energy flow throughout the body.

Yoga for Fertility

Yoga for fertility is a variation of the traditional yoga asana. This collection of postures may be used to treat infertility. As you are aware, yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian practice that has the power to transform your body, mind, and soul. Every asana is intended to promote total body recovery. Instead of being a special kind of yoga that treats infertility, fertility yoga consists of a series of positions that lower stress and rid the body of impurities. For women trying to conceive, a combination of these yoga positions is beneficial since theese may strengthen the body and increase the chances of conception. Dr. Madhuri Roy, Gynaecologist & IVF Consultant, founder, and managing director of Conceive IVF, Pune reveals 8 impactful yoga asanas to boost fertility in women.

8 Impactful Yoga Asanas to Boost Fertility in Women:

1. Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose): Put your shoulders over your wrists, your hips above your knees, and go down on all fours (tabletop position). Maintain a relaxed posture while standing with your feet flat on the mat. Take a deep breath in and move your hands a few inches forward to lengthen your arms. Keep your arms extended and your elbows up as you spread your fingers and press your hands onto the mat. Stretch your back and extend your spine by pressing your tailbone up toward the ceiling and bringing your forehead to the mat. Exhale as you walk your hands back to your all-fours position after holding for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat between three and five times.

2. Suryanamaskar: Suryanamaskar is an effective treatment for menstrual cramps and the menopausal period is known as Suryanamaskar. Surya Namaskar Yoga aids in empowering a woman’s uterus, which also empowers her to give birth more easily. Suryanamaskar enhances the body’s sexual processes and eliminates any inside issues resulting from the dysfunction of the sexual glands. Additionally, it encourages a person’s healthy sexual appetite.

3. Insect Breath (Bhramari Pranayama): An excellent asana for reducing stress is the Bhramari Pranayama, often known as the Bee Breath. According to research by Fertility and Sterility, psychological stress is a key contributor to infertility. This breathing technique soothes the body and releases tension, stress, and concern. You may significantly improve your chances of conception by maintaining a tranquil state of mind and body.

4. Pose with legs up the wall: This position works by assisting you to loosen the muscles of the vaginal wall while improving blood flow to the pelvis. Lay on your back with your legs up and resting against the wall with your bottom pressed up against the wall. Your torso and legs should be at a 90-degree angle with one another. To encourage fertility and relax the pelvic floor, hold this position for 10 to 15 breaths.

5. Frog Pose: The frog position expands the hips and promotes blood flow to the reproductive organs. It may be a great stretch and also quite firmly rooted. Place yourself on your hands and knees in a tabletop posture before giving it a try. When your inner thighs contact the floor, slowly expand your knees to the side while turning your feet out. Whatever seems most comfortable for you, come down onto your forearms or lie flat on the floor with your forehead resting on your hands. Spend ten to fifteen breaths in this position.

6. Balasana: Balasana promotes blood flow and stress relief, both of which are crucial for improving conception. As the asana mimics the posture of a fetus, it is also known as the child’s pose. The muscles in your back, knees, hips, and thighs are stretched by this yoga pose. Practice this asana at least four to six hours after a meal to ensure that your stomach is empty.

7. Mudra, Yoni: In Hinduism, the word “yoni” refers to the womb or “vulva,” and the Yoni Mudra is intended to honour the feminine deity Shakti. Yoni Mudra reduces anxiety by stilling the mind’s constant worrying chatter. Some practitioners also think that by doing this mudra, women’s health and fertility can be enhanced.

8. Backward Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana): The inner thighs and groin muscles are relaxed in this position, which can assist reduce tension and the discomfort of an IVF-related medication reproductive cycle. If needed, support your neck with a cushion or bolster while lying on your back. Put your feet together with the soles facing inward in a butterfly stance, bending your knees as you do so. Your palms should be facing up and resting on the mat next to you. To relax, take a few deep, leisurely breaths for 10–15 seconds.

(This article is by Lifestyle Staff )

Dr. Madhuri Roy

Dr. Madhuri Roy graduated as an MD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2001 and completed her fellowship in Minimal access surgery (FMAS) from World Laproscopy Hospital. She is trained in Reproductive Medicine and endocrinology from prestigious Charles’s University of Czech Republic and is recognized by European society of Human Reproduction and Endocrinology (ESHREE) and European board of College of Obstretrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG).

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