Yoga for fertility is a subset of conventional yoga asana. It includes of poses that reduce stress and boost fertility in women.
Infertility is a common problem brought on by stress and an insecure way of life. Despite repeated efforts and medical assistance, many couples remain frustrated by their inability to conceive. If this is something you struggle with, too, yoga is a great way to improve your health.
Fertility yoga is a spin on the standard yoga postures. These positions have the potential to aid in the treatment of infertility. Yoga, a 5000-year-old Indian practise, may improve your body, mind, and spirit. Every asana promotes whole-body healing. Fertility yoga reduces stress and purifies the body, not infertility. Dr. Madhuri Roy, gynaecologist and IVF consultant at Conceive IVF in Pune, reveals 5 yoga asanas to improve fertility in women.
1. Uttana Shishosana
Down on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees (tabletop position). Don’t tense up and make sure your feet are level on the mat while you’re standing there. Inhale deeply and extend your arms by bringing your hands a few inches in front of your body. Spread your fingers and push your hands firmly against the mat with your arms fully extended and your elbows high. Pressing the tailbone toward the ceiling and bringing the forehead to the mat is a great way to stretch the back and lengthen the spine. Hold for 30-60 seconds, then exhale as you walk your hands back to the all-fours position. Try it three to five times.
2. Suryanamaskar
Suryanamaskar is an efficient cure for menstrual cramps, and it is also known as the menopausal phase. A woman’s uterus is strengthened by the practise of Surya Namaskar Yoga, making childbirth easier. The internal problems caused by the dysfunction of the genital organs are remedied by practising Suryanamaskar, which also improves the body’s reproductive functions.
3. Frog Pose
The frog pose widens the hips and stimulates reproductive organs. It’s far-fetched and deeply ingrained. Before you do it, go down on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. When your inner thighs touch the floor, gently turn your feet out. Come down on your forearms or lay flat with your forehead on your hands. Ten to fifteen breaths.
4. Balasana
Balasana improves blood flow and reduces stress, which boosts fertility. Asana mirrors a fetus’s position, thus it’s called child’s pose. Yoga posture stretches back, knees, hips, and thighs. This asana should be done four to six hours after a meal.
5. Insect Breath
Bhramari Pranayama, commonly known as the Bee Breath, relieves stress. According to Fertility and Sterility, psychological stress promotes infertility. This breathing technique helps to ease tension, stress, and concern. Keeping calm may increase your chances of conception.
(This article is by DNA Web Team)