According to the research, there is a significant increase in twin birth over the last four decades. Research also found out there is a considerable increase in the number of twin pregnancy due to IVF treatment. With conceive VF treatment, woman today have higher possibilities of twin pregnancy. Compared to only a 6 percent chance of having twin pregnancy in a normal setting, IVF has 25 percent. IVF treatment is indeed a blessing for a lot of infertile couples. IVF process increases the chance to conceive after naturally trying everything.
How Effective Is IVF Treatment?
According to HFEA or Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, one out of 5 pregnancies might lead to multiple births with this kind of treatment. Normally, this is because during In Vitro Fertilization multiple embryos are inserted into the uterus.This results in the implantation of multiple embryos on the lining of the uterine, which leads to a twin pregnancy.
Factors Which Play into the Chance of Having Twins
The couple needs to talk about twin pregnancy with a fertility specialist. He or she can give you advice regarding the advantages and disadvantages of IVF twins. Factors that play into the chance of having twins are:
- Health Background: Do you have twins in your family? If there is, then possibility of multiple pregnancies is higher.
- Body Type: Studies have revealed that overweight and taller women tend to conceive with twins.
- Age: Research shows that women more than thirty years old, most essentially near forty tend to have IVF twins.
What are the Dangers of IVF Treatment?
Usually, twin pregnancy through IVF treatment is not suggested by a physician because it can pose many risks to the baby and the mother. Some of these risks are:
Pre-eclampsia: Multiple pregnancies can enhance the occurrence of pre-eclampsia, a combination of an increased level protein in the urine, general swelling, and high blood pressure. These can lead to serious issues for the baby and mother as well.
Cesarean Section: Multiple pregnancies may lead to a cesarean section during delivery. In turn, it could cause a higher chance of hemorrhage during and after labor. Cesarean sections need more time for the mother to recover.
Premature Birth: Just about 60% of the babies are born prematurely, and 12% are born before thirty-two weeks. These increase complication in case of twins and even can be fatal in the nastiest cases.
If you are in Pune and is looking for successful pregnancy through IVF, look no further than Conceive IVF. Conceive IVF is considered one of the most successful as well as well-respected fertility clinic Hinjewadi and Pune.
The fertility experts and professionals are knees to assist and address all your questions about female and male fertility. You can book an appointment for a free assessment and consultation now. Consult with the best Test tube baby center in Pune now for your fertility and pregnancy-related concerns.