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Tobacco consumption in any form can have not only adverse effect on general health but also hamper fertility up to a large extent

Effects of smoking in Women

Fertility is generally reduced if the woman smokes. This means that you can become pregnant, but it will take longer time to obtain a pregnancy. We all know female smokers who have become pregnant. However, this does not change the fact that they may not have had any fertility problems, and thus not a limited number of attempts as you have. In addition, it is a lot more fun to get pregnant naturally than having treatments at the fertility clinic.

  • Chemicals (such as nicotine, cyanide, and carbon monoxide) in cigarette smoke leads to loss of eggs.
  • It increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy by affecting the fallopian tubes, It also leads to Ectopic pregnancies and preterm labor
  • It cause an imbalance in antioxidant levels within the ovaries.
  • It reduces the ovarian reserve and lead to early menopause
  • Marijuana may disrupt a woman’s ovulation cycle (release of the egg).
  • Female smokers need more ovary-stimulating medications during IVF and still have fewer eggs at retrieval time and have 30% lower pregnancy rates
  • Smoking damages the genetic material in eggs, miscarriage and offspring birth-defect rates
  • Women are more likely to conceive a chromosomally unhealthy pregnancy (such as a pregnancy affected by Down syndrome)
  • Children are at increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and for developing asthma.
  • It affects Cervical Mucus and decreases the movement of sperms

world no tobacco day

Effects of smoking in Men

Whether or not your male partner smokes is of less importance for your fertility, provided that his semen quality is normal. However, tar and cadmium in the smoke affect the DNA quality of the sperm cells, especially in men with reduced semen quality. Remember, it takes 3 months to produce a mature sperm cell.

For the above reasons, the male partner should also quit before you start treatment, particularly also to demonstrate solidarity to you. Experience shows that it is difficult to quit smoking if the other party continues.

  • Nicotine blocks the production of sperm and decrease the size of a man’s testicles
  • It decreases sperm quality with lower counts (numbers of sperm) and motility (sperm’s ability to move) and increased numbers of abnormally shaped sperm.
  • It decrease the sperm’s ability to fertilize eggs.
  • Smoking damages the genetic material in sperms, and it cause chromosome damage and DNA fragmentation in sperm
  • Marijuana use affects men by decreasing the sperm count and the quality of the sperm
  • Alcohol interferes with the synthesis of testosterone and has an impact on sperm concentration, it also delay a man’s sexual response and may cause impotence, the inability to have or sustain an erection.
  • Smoking damages blood vessels and affects blood flow and leads erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual performance


Smoking not only increases the risk for heart, vascular & lung diseases but also leads to problem with fertility in both men & women. Stopping the same can improve:


  • Natural Fertility by quitting within a year
  • Women who quit smoking before conception or within the first three months of pregnancy reduce their risks of their baby being born prematurely
  • men must be asked to de addict themselves before planning a baby

We recommend

There are many good reasons for us to strongly recommend everyone to quit smoking before and during treatment.

As a specialized clinic, Conceive IVF is fully equipped to fulfill your children’s desire.We do this in a healthy atmosphere in which we strive for maximum results with experienced and passionate employees, the most modern laboratory techniques and genuine attention to our patients.

Conceive India IVF therefore opts for a completely smoke-free environment. It is forbidden for patients, employees and other visitors to smoke in the clinic premises. This prohibition also applies to the use of e-cigarettes.

A healthy baby starts with healthy sperm and healthy eggs.


Dr. Madhuri Roy

Dr. Madhuri Roy graduated as an MD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2001 and completed her fellowship in Minimal access surgery (FMAS) from World Laproscopy Hospital. She is trained in Reproductive Medicine and endocrinology from prestigious Charles’s University of Czech Republic and is recognized by European society of Human Reproduction and Endocrinology (ESHREE) and European board of College of Obstretrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG).

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