For IVF patients, embryo transfer is a stressful and thrilling milestone in treating fertility issues. After many weeks of treatments and supervising the process of egg retrieval and the stressful wait to know how embryos grow, this last step of the IVF process has lots of potentials. When the embryo has been transferred, one thing should happen before a patient’s pregnancy: implantation.
Embryo Implantation Overview
Implantation happens once an embryo joins to uterus wall in the lining of the endometrial. In IVF, it happens 6 to 10 days after the process of egg retrieval that is 1 to 5 days after the transfer of the embryo. This associate to twenty to twenty-four of a perfect twenty-eight day’s menstrual cycle.
Factors that Affects IVF Success Rate in Pune
The success rate of IVF implant depends on factors like uterus receptiveness and superiority of embryo. A lot of failures in implantation are because of embryo’s chromosomal abnormalities. Once a patient has a poor quality of the egg, resulting embryos aren’t healthy to the implant.
Success Rate After Embryo Transfer Tips to Follow
There are things you can do to become successful after embryo transfer:
- Relax
There is no proof that bed rest is helpful after embryo transfer, looking for ways to unwind and relax, during dismayed 14 days waits between embryo transfer and pregnancy examination is good common sense. Get lots of sleep and pay close attention to your system, if you want to take a rest. If you want to breathe fresh air, go outside and take some walk.
- Avoid Sex and Vigorous Workout
There is no need to limit your daily activities; however, it is highly advisable to abstain from a rigorous workout. Your ovaries tend to be still tender and enlarge and must be secured and protected, and stringent training can stimulate the contraction of uterine that you need to keep away from. You also need to avoid sex. According to experts, it can also lead to uterine contraction.
- Keep Away from Too Much Temperature
Hot yoga, saunas, hot tubs, or any forms of activities which raises internal temperature must be avoided. As a whole, it is highly advisable not to be soaked in water like baths or pools at this point, because it leaves you susceptible to infection. Hot shower is beneficial.
- Lean on Support System
Friends, support group, therapist, family, fertility clinic, as well as an online community, can be beneficial. Anxiety and stress is an awful thing to live in, and remoteness makes it worse. Don’t face problems by yourself; ask help from others who can cheer you as you are waiting to know if the implantation was a huge success.
Fertility clinic in Pune can help you increase the rate of after embryo transfer. With superb care, the record of high success rate in a short period, the best IVF center in Pune, has to turn out to be the preference of those seeking treatment for fertility. Best IVF in Pune is provided in a caring and professional setting by professionals.