Healthy sperms are not always given. As a man, you have to know how your lifestyle affects your sperm as much as what you must do in boosting your fertility.
If you and your better half are planning to have a baby, you may be thinking of how healthy your sperm is. Know the factors which can affect infertility in male– then consider the steps to assist your sperm in accomplishing your goal.
How will I know if my sperm is healthy?
How healthy your sperm depends on many factors, which include movement, structure, and quantity:
Quantity: You are fertile when your ejaculate has 15 million sperms for every milliliter. Low sperm counts during your ejaculation lessen the probability of conception as there are smaller amount of candidates existing to fertilize an egg.
Movement: The movement of sperm is essential in egg fertilization. The movement of sperm to a woman’s cervix, fallopian tubes, and the uterus is called motility. Most likely, you are fertile if 40% of your sperm are moving.
Structure: Normal sperm has long tails and oval heads that work mutually to drive them. While the structure is less important factor than movement and quantity, if you have more sperm that has normal structure and shape, the more chances of getting pregnant.
How to Have a Healthy Sperm?
There are 4 easy steps that can help you increase the chances of having healthy sperm, such as:
- Healthy diet: Eat lots of vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants. They help in improving the sperms’ health.
- Get Rid of Stress: Stress lessens sexual function. It can also affect the hormones responsible to generating sperm.
- Maintain Healthy Weight: Studies suggest that boosting BMI or Body Mass Index is associated with declining sperm count and the movement of sperm as well.
- Exercise: Exercise can increase antioxidant enzymes, responsible for protecting your sperm.
What is off-limits?
Sperm is susceptible to various environmental factors like exposure to toxic chemicals and too much heat. So, to keep your sperm safe, you have to:
- Avoid smoking: Smokers tends to have low sperm counts.
- Limit alcohol intake: Heavy drinking result in the decreased production of testosterone, decrease the production of sperm and increase impotence.
- Avoid using lubricants: According to the research, a lubricant during sex affects fertility. If necessary, use canola oil, baby oil, or egg white.
- Talk to a specialist: Anti-androgens, calcium channel blockers, and other treatments can add to issues about fertility. Similar effects are also said about Anabolic steroids.
What is off-limits?
Sperm is susceptible to various environmental factors like exposure to toxic chemicals and too much heat. So, to keep your sperm safe, you have to:
- Avoid smoking: Smokers tends to have low sperm counts.
- Limit alcohol intake: Heavy drinking result in the decreased production of testosterone, decrease the production of sperm and increase impotence.
- Avoid using lubricants: According to the research, a lubricant during sex affects fertility. If necessary, use canola oil, baby oil, or egg white.
- Talk to a specialist: Anti-androgens, calcium channel blockers, and other treatments can add to issues about fertility. Similar effects are also said about Anabolic steroids.