Have you have been trying to conceive with no success? Are you worried about conception at your age? Are u worried, where to start?
You need an expert advice and our specialized team at Conceive IVF with international expertise and standards will be happy to help you through your questions, however small they might be.
Let’s explore some common myths and facts regarding infertility and fertility treatment
Six Myths about Infertility and Fertility Treatment:
Myth No 1: Fertility is not an issue for men and women below 40 years
Age does influence both men and women.
Women are born with limited number of eggs around 10 to 20 lakh. They are not produced new. Every month we lose about eleven thousand eggs, by puberty you are left with about 3-4 lakh eggs. Subsequently about a thousand eggs are inevitably destroyed every month. By the time they are in their late twenties the numbers reduce drastically. The quality and quantity decrease, with each passing year.
Men over the age of 40 begin to have a decline in the quantity and quality of sperm that is produced.
Myth No 2: Being young and living a healthy lifestyle is a sure sign of being fertile
Healthy lifestyle is a key to health, it also increases the fertility index. However, healthy living is not a guaranteed indicator of fertility. A healthy man with normal ejaculation is not necessarily fertile. Fertility is directly linked to the the quantity, quality and motility of the sperms in the semen, and not to the ability to perform intercourse or to ejaculate normally. Semen is an organic fluid that may or may not contain sperms.
Even for healthy women, one in ten below the age of 30 years is infertile. This percentage increases with age.
Myth No 3: A failure to conceive is because the woman is infertile in the majority of couples
This is not true and is a biggest myth. Male partner is equally responsible for the success. Studies have shown that 1/3rd of infertility problems are related to the male, and 1/3rd to the woman. The remaining 1/3rd is unexplained.
Myth No 4: IVF does not necessarily result in conception or may result in more than one child
IVF treatment is a reliable procedure which most often gives positive results. The IVF treatment cycles are planned around the woman’s ovulation cycle. Advanced technology usually ensures the formation of a single or multiple embryo. With expert consultation, the chance for failure is minimal.
Myth No 5: As long as one has a healthy sex life, one can keep on trying for a child
A healthy sex life is not a precursor to pregnancy. There could be issues faced by either partner.
Delaying treatment can be costly. Besides, the success rate is better with age.
Myth No 6: Having one Baby means one is not infertile
Not true.
Secondary infertility which is the inability to conceive after the first child is a reality. This can happen due to many reasons, from either partner, such as low production of sperm in men, blocked fallopian tubes in women etc.
If you are struggling with secondary infertility, don’t despair. There is hope. Consult a Fertility Specialist straightaway.