Hostile Uterus: Understanding causes and treatments - conceiveindiaivf

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One of the most frequent problems with fertility that women experience is a hostile uterus. “Hostile uterus” is a term used to characterize cervical mucus that is either inadequate or of low quality for sperm migration. Although the two terms are frequently used interchangeably, unfriendly cervical mucus is very precisely connected to the mucus the uterine glands generate. Cervical fluid, also known as cervical mucus, aids in the sperm’s journey to the fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg. The texture, thickness, and consistency of cervical mucus fluctuate throughout the woman’s cycle. The mucus normally turns thin and watery as a woman approaches ovulation, which is best suited for the movement of sperm. However, in 20 per cent of women, the cervical mucus could even thicken, which the sperm cannot penetrate because of its thickness.

What causes a hostile uterus?

The most frequent root causes are

Dry, sticky, or thick mucus: One of the primary causes of hostile cervical mucus is a hormonal imbalance, which also frequently results in ovulation issues. Sperm motility will be hampered if the cervical mucus is thick in consistency.

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Dr. Madhuri Roy

Dr. Madhuri Roy graduated as an MD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2001 and completed her fellowship in Minimal access surgery (FMAS) from World Laproscopy Hospital. She is trained in Reproductive Medicine and endocrinology from prestigious Charles’s University of Czech Republic and is recognized by European society of Human Reproduction and Endocrinology (ESHREE) and European board of College of Obstretrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG).

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