Ages 40-49 : Premenopausal Age

Hormonal changes happens mostly in any women at this stage, If you are also feeling same like this, Feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Well Woman Checkup

Every year –weight, height,BMI

  • Blood Pressure – every 2 years if normal (<120/80)
  • Blood Pressure – every year or more often if higher than 120/80
  • Diabetes screening – if your blood pressure is > 135/80 or if you take blood pressure medication
  • Cholesterol test – get regular testing if you are at risk for heart disease.

Pelvic Examination

Every year

  • PAP test and HPV screening for cancer
  • Chlamydia and Gonorrhea – get tested if you are sexually active and at increased risk (new or multiple partners) or are pregnant.
  • Syphilis – get tested if you are at increased risk or pregnant

Clinical Breast Exam

Every year

  • Breast Self-Exam – become familiar with how your breasts look and feel throughout your menstrual cycle so you can identify any changes and discuss with your doctor.
  • Mammogram – Discuss with your doctor. Recommendations vary depending on risk factors.

HIV Screening

  • All women should undergo a one-time screening. Follow up testing should be done based on individual risk. All pregnant women need to be tested

Recommended Immunizations

  • Seasonal Flu Vaccine – every year
  • Tetanus, diphtheria, Pertussis (Td/Tdap) – every 10 years