Well Woman Checkup
Every year –weight, height,BMI
- Blood Pressure – every 2 years if normal (<120/80)
- Blood Pressure – every year or more often if higher than 120/80
- Diabetes screening – if your blood pressure is > 135/80 or if you take blood pressure medication
- Cholesterol test – get regular testing if you are at risk for heart disease.
Pelvic Examination
Every year
- PAP test and HPV screening for cancer
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea – get tested if you are sexually active and at increased risk (new or multiple partners) or are pregnant.
- Syphilis – get tested if you are at increased risk or pregnant
Clinical Breast Exam
Every year
- Breast Self-Exam – become familiar with how your breasts look and feel throughout your menstrual cycle so you can identify any changes and discuss with your doctor.
- Mammogram – Discuss with your doctor. Recommendations vary depending on risk factors.
HIV Screening
- All women should undergo a one-time screening. Follow up testing should be done based on individual risk. All pregnant women need to be tested
Recommended Immunizations
- Seasonal Flu Vaccine – every year
- Tetanus, diphtheria, Pertussis (Td/Tdap) – every 10 years